京口联邦快递参考时效 包裹从送达FEDEX仓库开始计算,参考正常递送时效为2-7个工作日(此时效为快件上网至收件人收到此快件止),特殊情况除外!派送时效跟目的地各个海关清关时间及航班安排很有关系。
FEDEX参考实效一览东南亚 北美洲 欧洲 其他1-2(工作日) 2-3(工作日) 3-4(工作日) 4-7(工作日) 合肥联邦快递赔偿/其它增值服务 1、赔偿标准 对于少件、缺货、破损的快件如收件人收到的快件重量、数量、件数不符、破损的快件,请收件人收到包裹24小时内向目的地FEDEX的反馈丢失或破损情况。并在7个工作日内将收件人在当地登记的备案号、事故证明提供给我司,以便向FEDEX的调查索赔。如经FEDEX核实后,赔偿为免运费,赔偿包裹的申报价值,不超过100USD,部分破损或丢失需按实际丢失数量占总数的百分比赔偿,但赔偿不超过USD100。由于海关抽查造成的快件丢失快件在经过海关时,海关打开邮包检查,可能导致邮包丢失、邮包内物品(全部或部分)丢失、或被海关扣押。我司不承担由此带来的任何责任。 2、我司可代购,收费标准请联系销售代表。
美国FBA头程运输:每周固定航空板位空运至美国洛杉矶(Los Angeles)、达拉斯(Dallas)等机场,在目的地机场清关后通过UPS/ Fedex/卡车将货物派送至亚马逊仓库。上海雄达国际物流亦可根据客户的需要单独安排航班空运清关派送,或通过DHL / UPS / Fedex / 等快递渠道,将货物安全、快捷的送达美国亚马逊仓库。欧洲FBA头程运输:我们提供每周固定航班/班列到英国·荷兰·捷克共和国的机场/口岸,在目的地清关后交UPS/DPD/DHL快递进行欧盟全境派送,全程清关无障碍,免费提供VAT清关,双清包税为您节省更多成本!我司提供客人自有VAT清关服务,正常交税,提供正规C88文件,免手续费!我们只为更好的为亚马逊卖家提供物流方案!!美国专线(双清包税到门):美国专线是从中国发往美国洛杉矶和纽约,清关完成后通过快递派送到美国全境的服务,省去需要客人配合清关的环节,相比传统国际快递更省心,省钱!运输方式包括:空运加派送/海运加派送!欧洲专线(双清包税到门):欧洲专线是指从中国发往英国?捷克?荷兰,清关完成后通过快递公司派送到欧盟全境的服务,省去提供VAT以及进口商配合清关的流程,为没有清关能力的进口商提供的一个的物流解决方案,运输方式包括:空运加派送/铁路加派送
The reference delivery time for Jingkou FedEx packages is calculated from the time they are delivered to the FEDEX warehouse. The reference normal delivery time is 2-7 working days (at this time, the package is valid until the recipient receives it online), except for special circumstances! The delivery time is closely related to the customs clearance time and flight arrangements at the destination.
FEDEX Reference Effectiveness Overview Southeast Asia, North America, and Europe Other 1-2 (working days) 2-3 (working days) 3-4 (working days) 4-7 (working days) Hefei FedEx Compensation/Other Value Added Services 1. Compensation Standards For short, out of stock, or damaged packages, if the recipient receives a package that does not match the weight, quantity, number of packages, or is damaged, please provide feedback on the loss or damage situation to the destination FEDEX within 24 hours after receiving the package. And within 7 working days, provide the recipient's local registration number and accident certificate to our company for the purpose of investigating and claiming compensation from FEDEX. If verified by FEDEX, the compensation is for free shipping and the declared value of the package is not more than 100 USD. Partial damage or loss requires compensation based on the percentage of the actual lost quantity in the total, but the compensation does not exceed USD 100. Due to customs spot checks, the loss of packages may result in the loss of packages, loss of all or part of the contents, or seizure by customs when the package is opened for inspection by customs. Our company does not assume any responsibility arising from this. 2. Our company can purchase on behalf of us. Please contact a sales representative for the fee standard.
FBA first leg transportation in the United States: Fixed air freight slots are flown weekly to airports such as Los Angeles and Dallas in the United States. After customs clearance at the destination airport, the goods are delivered to Amazon warehouses through UPS/FedEx/trucks. Shanghai Xiongda International Logistics can also arrange separate flights for air clearance and delivery according to customer needs, or safely and quickly deliver goods to Amazon warehouses in the United States through DHL/UPS/FedEx/other courier channels. European FBA first leg transportation: We provide weekly fixed flights/trains to airports/ports in the UK, Netherlands, Czech Republic, and deliver them via UPS/DPD/DHL express delivery throughout the EU after customs clearance at the destination. The entire process of customs clearance is accessible, and VAT clearance is provided for free. Double clearance and inclusive tax can save you more costs! Our company provides customers with their own VAT customs clearance services, pays taxes normally, provides formal C88 documents, and is free of handling fees! We only provide logistics solutions for Amazon sellers better!! US Special Line (Double Clear Tax to Door): US Special Line is a service that ships from China to Los Angeles and New York in the United States. After customs clearance is completed, it is delivered by express delivery to the entire United States, eliminating the need for customers to cooperate in customs clearance. Compared to traditional international express delivery, it is more worry free and cost-effective! The transportation methods include: air freight plus delivery/sea freight plus delivery! European special line (double clear and tax inclusive door-to-door): Does the European special line refer to shipments from China to the UK? Czech Republic? In the Netherlands, after customs clearance is completed, the service is delivered to the entire EU through courier companies, eliminating the need to provide VAT and the process of importers cooperating with customs clearance. It provides a logistics solution for importers without customs clearance capabilities, and the transportation methods include: air freight plus delivery/railway plus delivery