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 FedEx Express, a subsidiary of FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX) and oneof the world’s largest express transportation companies, andEastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport (EASST)announce results of an ongoing collaboration to improve safety andpromote sustainable transport in Eastern Europe.

  EASST, a UK-based non-profit organisation, received charitablefunding from FedEx Express in 2019, to deliver three diverseinitiatives via NGO partners in Ukraine, Belarus andAzerbaijan.

  In August 2019, a convoy of donated fire response vehiclestransported life-saving e from the UK to the Ukraine, wherefour volunteer firefighters conducted in-person training sessionswith 55 local fire fighters. The project, in collaboration withFire Aid UK, aimed to improve the capacity of fire services torespond to road traffic incidents in Ukraine.

  One vehicle, donated to Zhytomyr, has responded to 44incidents between January-September 2020, and a second vehicle,donated to the town of Korosten, has responded to 213 incidentsduring the same period. Donated sets of crash extrication ehave been used by local fire services to rescue 96 people fromcrash sites.

  In December 2019, FedEx Express transported items of 154reflective clothing from the UK to Belarus. Road to Life, a socialenterprise providing job opportunities for people withdisabilities, employed ten individuals to repurpose the clothinginto over 1,000 high visibility mascots for children to wear onroadside journeys in rural communities. Education sessionsdelivered by the Belarusian Auto Moto Touring Club have benefittedover 470 children in rural communities this far, with plans toreach over 500 by the end of the year.

  In Azerbaijan, EASST conducted awareness sessions with localroad police on the value of accurate road incident data and howthis can be used to improve infrastructure and reduce road risk inthe country’s capital city, Baku. In December 2019, 39 state roadpolice officers received training on comprehensive crash datacollection and dissemination, following which road traffic incidentdata from 2019 was made available for expert analysis.

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