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莘县UPS国际快递 莘县UPS国际快递联合包裹快递电话

领导UPS (纽约所代码:UPS)全球公民计划 的 UPS 会宣布已扩大对的响应,包括向联合国机构、人道主义救济合作伙伴和基于社区的非组织提供超过 600 万美元的新拨款。 - 营利性和国际非组织。


  “UPS 会和 UPS 在帮助社区准备、应对突发和长期危机并从中恢复方面拥有丰富的经验。这种知识使我们能够在这个前所未有的需要时期为我们的合作伙伴提供关键支持,”UPS 会总裁兼 UPS 多元化和包容性官 Eduardo Martinez 说。



  United Way Worldwide:为家庭、儿童和老人提供关键支持,包括食物和财政援助,以帮助恢复。



  希望行动:与 FEMA 和美国红十字会合作,为有需要的个人和小企业支持国家响应基础设施。国家咨询中心将为因收入中断而面临风险的工人提供紧急预算咨询和债权人管理指导。


  Good360:为医疗保健提供者提供所需的材料,包括个人防护设备 (PPE) 和其他医疗用品和清洁工具包。

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  The UPS Foundation, which leads the global citizenship programs for UPS (NYSE: UPS), announced it has expanded its response to the novel Coronavirus, including new grant allocations, surpassing $6 million to United Nations agencies, humanitarian relief partners and community-based non-profit and international non-government organizations.

  The relief support includes collaboration with more than a dozen organizations and the provision of in-kind transportation, supply chain consultation, and cash contributions to expedite the distribution of personal protective equipment for healthcare workers and other life-sustaining activities for impacted individuals and communities.

  “The UPS Foundation and UPS have extensive experience in helping communities prepare for, respond to, and recover from sudden onset and prolonged crises. That expertise enables us to provide critical support to our partners during this unprecedented time of need,” said Eduardo Martinez, president of The UPS Foundation and UPS chief diversity and inclusion officer.

  “The public-private partnerships we have developed around the world span years – even decades in some cases. We’re able to work together, inspire each other, and rapidly deploy our support and logistics expertise toward meaningful actions to drive life-sustaining results,” he continued.

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