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dhl resilience360 发布了份年度风险报告。该报告基于
dhl 的基于云的风险管理提供商 resilience360 收集的风险和事件数据 ,审查了去年的主要供应链挑战,并确定了将在 2019 年塑造风险格局的趋势。在快速发展的供应链风险环境中,成功的风险对所有行业的公司来说都是一项重大挑战。resilience360 年度风险报告基于内部分析师的经验和见解,他们每天监控数百个风险事件。dhl 的专家帮助公司主动管理破坏性事件,从政治暴力到货物盗窃,并限度地减少业务中断。
“resilience360 年度风险报告以非常全面的方式总结了我们的知识,使我们的客户受益。风险和建立供应链弹性是我们客户业务的重要组成部分。无论他们在哪里运营,该报告的洞察力都将使重新各自的风险环境变得更加容易,从而补充现有的 resilience360 产品,”resilience360 执行官 tobias larsson 说。
份 resilience360 年度风险报告考察了企业在 2018 年经历的主要供应链风险。全球大风险是贸易流动的不确定性、网络安全事件、气候变化与极端天气条件相结合。由于美国与其他国家,特别是中国之间的争端,包括新的单边进口关税,贸易的不确定性增加。英国退出欧盟的悬而未决的问题也加剧了不确定性,因为公司担心在无序离境的情况下边境拥堵和港口延误。在网络安全领域,越来越多的涉及供应链和运输基础设施的事件表明行为者意图获取商业机密、进行敲诈或造成经济破坏。,气候变化在 2018 年带来了无数与天气相关的严重破坏,这是有记录以来第四个*热的年份。野火、干旱、低水位和融冰对供应链的影响*为显着。
dhl resilience360 has released its first annual risk report. the report, based on risk and incident data
collected by dhl’s cloud-based risk management provider resilience360, examines last year’s major supply chain challenges and identifies trends that will shape the risk landscape in 2019. in a rapidly evolving supply chain risk environment, successful risk assessment is a significant challenge for companies in all sectors. the resilience360 annual risk report is based on the experience and insights of in-house analysts, who monitor hundreds of risk events each day. dhl’s experts help companies proactively manage disruptive events, from political violence to cargo theft, and minimize business interruption.
“the resilience360 annual risk report sums up our expertise to our customer’s benefit in a very comprehensive way. risk assessment and building up supply chain resilience is a crucial part of our customers’ business. wherever they operate, the report’s insights will make the re-evaluation of the respective risk environment easier and thus complement the existing resilience360 offer,” says tobias larsson, ceo resilience360.