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 美洲合同物流领域的、德国邮政 dhl 集团的一部分 dhl supply chain 和运动营养领域的全球 glanbia performance nutrition (gpn) 宣布了一项为期五年的协议,dhl supply chain 将为 dhl supply chain 提供仓储、仓储服务glanbia 位于伊利诺伊州北奥的 452,000 平方英尺设施的管理系统 (wms) 和电子商务支持。

  该设施为 glanbia performance nutrition 的国际和北美客户提供服务。glanbia performance nutrition 计划提高供应链效率并实现更高的服务水平,以满足其全球客户群的需求。从 2018 年 11 月 1 日开始,dhl supply chain 被选中而不是竞争供应商来管理这些服务。

  “这对我们的业务和整个供应链来说是一项重要的战略举措。glanbia performance nutrition 全球供应链副总裁 al jankauskas 表示,我们未来的国家配送中心将为我们的业务提供服务,同时关注服务、成本和库存管理。dhl 的供应链能力包括强大的仓库管理系统、信息技术、报告和相关的流程知识将被证明是一项服务投资,可为我们的内部和外部客户带来运营收益。”

  该设施将采用 dhl supply chain 的 jda wms 和管理工具,以及其他专有软件来管理间接和直接的劳动效率。直接面向消费者的系统和流程将提供订单履行和的箱子尺寸,以地优化包裹货运。

  “我们期待与 glanbia 建立长期互利的关系,”dhl supply chain 消费者部门业务发展部 thomas kimball 说。“我们很高兴能在与营养类产品的全球者合作时展示我们的仓库管理和运营能力。我们希望在竞争激烈的就业市场中吸引和留住秀的人才,以建立一个基准运营,以实现安全、质量、客户服务和效率方面的协作目标。”

  dhl 也在招聘新员工。新工厂预计将雇用 82 个小时工和管理职位,每周工作五天,实行两班制。

  dhl supply chain, the americas’ leader in contract logistics and part of deutsche post dhl group, and glanbia performance nutrition (gpn), a global leader in sports nutrition, have announced a five-year agreement for dhl supply chain to provide warehousing, warehouse management system (wms) and e-commerce support at glanbia’s 452,000-square-foot facility in north aurora, illinois.

  the facility serves glanbia performance nutrition’s international and north american customers. glanbia performance nutrition plans to increase supply chain efficiency and achieve higher service levels to meet the needs of its’ global customer base. dhl supply chain was selected over competitive providers to manage these services beginning on november 1, 2018.

  “this is an important strategic initiative for our distribution operations and overall supply chain. our future state distribution center will serve our business with a mindful eye on service, cost, and inventory management,” said al jankauskas, glanbia performance nutrition vice president, global supply chain.“ dhl’s supply chain capabilities include a robust warehouse management system, information technology, reporting and related distribution process expertise that will prove to be a service investment driving operational benefits with both our internal and external customers.”

  the facility will employ dhl supply chain’s jda wms and management tools, along with other proprietary software to manage indirect and direct labor efficiencies. direct-to-consumer systems and processes will provide order fulfillment and exact box sizing to best optimize parcel freight shipments.

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