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DHL Express 是物流和快递领域的全球,连续第五年被公认为全球的雇主。杰出雇主协会在对公司在 61 个国家/地区的人力资源实践进行认证后,将其享有盛誉的全球杰出雇主奖授予 DHL。DHL 是仅有的 14 家被公认为全球雇主的公司之一,并且连续第五年成为一家在所有地区都获得认证的公司。

  “拥有积极进取、敬业的员工是我们 DHL Express 业务的支柱。DHL Express 执行官 John Pearson 表示:“我们在全球 100,000 名员工所表现出的热情、忠诚和精神确保我们为客户提供的服务,并使我们在竞争中脱颖而出。” “连续第五年获得全球雇主认证,是对我们对员工队伍的投资以及我们员工每天提供的表现的极大认可。”

  “这一切都始于我们的员工。我们拥有一支积极进取的员工队伍,他们以客户为中心,竭尽全力为客户完成工作。拥有如此多元化和真正全球化的员工队伍,我们的人力资源职能对于创造有吸引力的工作条件以吸引和留住人才、培养统一运作的网络以及帮助我们的企业在瞬息万变的世界中保持成功至关重要,”Regine Buettner 说,DHL Express 全球和欧洲人力资源执行副总裁。“被雇主协会等外部组织评为全球雇主之一,是对我们为使 DHL 成为员工可以享受工作并充分发挥潜力的地方所做的努力的极大认可。”

  Top Employer 认证认可在员工条件方面提供标准的组织所取得的成就。认证过程的步是参与人力资源实践调查:对组织人力资源环境的综合分析。完成人力资源实践调查后,杰出雇主协会将确定哪些组织达到了获得杰出雇主认证所需的标准。然后在确认认证之前验证其发现,包括在第三方审核的支持下。区域和全球认证为专注于改善整个组织和世界范围内员工状况的雇主提供了额外的认可。

  DHL Express, the world leader in logistics and express delivery, has been recognized for the fifth straight year as a leading global employer. Top Employers Institute awarded its prestigious Top Employer Global to DHL after certifying the company’s HR practices in 61 countries. DHL is one of just 14 companies to be recognized as Top Employer Global and – for the fifth year in a row – the only company to be certified in all regions.

  “Having motivated, engaged employees is the backbone of our business at DHL Express. The passion, loyalty and professionalism shown by our 100,000 employees worldwide ensure we deliver a best-in-class service to our customers, and differentiates us from the competition,” says John Pearson, CEO DHL Express. “Receiving the Top Employer Global certification for the fifth consecutive year is great recognition of the investment we make in our workforce and the excellence our people deliver every day.”

  “It all starts with our people. We have a workforce of motivated people who are insanely customer centric and will do everything to get the job done for the customer. With such a diverse and truly global workforce, our HR function is essential to creating attractive working conditions to attract and retain talent, cultivating a network that operates As One, and helping our business to remain successful in a rapidly changing world,” said Regine Buettner, Executive Vice President, Global and Europe HR, DHL Express. “Being ranked among the world’s best employers by a reputed external organization such as Top Employers Institute is a great acknowledgment of the effort we have invested in making DHL a place where our employees can enjoy coming to work and realize their full potential.”

  Top Employer certification recognizes the accomplishments of organizations that are providing the highest standards in employee conditions. The first step in the certification process is participation in the HR Best Practices Survey: a comprehensive analysis of an organization’s Human Resources environment. After completion of the HR Best Practices Survey, the Top Employers Institute determines which organizations have reached the required standards to be certified as Top Employers. It then validates its findings, including with the support of a third-party audit, before confirming certification. Regional and global certifications offer additional recognition to employers focused on advancing employee conditions within their entire organization, and the world.

  DHL Express was recognized in particular for its strong performance in the areas of Leadership Development and Talent Strategy.

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