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FedEx联邦快递支线货机装载航空箱或板货,因此这些新功能将帮助公司*好地服务基本均为板货的航空货运市场客户。联邦快递目前有*过300架支线货机部署在45个地区,它们大部分属于联邦快递,由不同的第三方航空公司租赁并在它们的运营资质下执飞。联邦快递支线机队由起飞总重量为6万磅(合约2722公斤)的货机组成,为世界各地的中小型市场提供快捷经济的服务。联邦快递支线机队是对公司300多架喷气机队的补充, 这些喷气机包括777、767和757系列机型,MD11和MD10系列机型,以及空客300和310系列机型。

FedEx FedEx regional cargo plane is loaded with air box or plate cargo, so these new functions will help the company * better serve customers in the air cargo market who are basically plate cargo. At present, FedEx has more than 300 regional cargo planes deployed in 45 regions, most of which belong to FedEx and are leased by different third-party airlines and fly under their operating qualifications. The FedEx regional fleet is composed of cargo aircraft with a total takeoff weight of 60000 pounds (contract 2722 kilograms), providing fast and economic services to small and medium-sized markets around the world. The FedEx regional fleet is a supplement to the company's more than 300 jet fleet, including 777, 767 and 757 series aircraft, MD11 and MD10 series aircraft, and Airbus 300 and 310 series aircraft.

The connectivity between Asia, Japan and Europe is * strong. One of the two new FedEx FedEx flights provides additional connectivity and * * services. Back and forth to Europe, and strengthen the service to Japanese importers. Europe is Japan's * trading partner, and Japan's import volume increased by 28% year on year.

The new FedEx Asia-Europe flight connects the Charles de Gaulle (CDG) FedEx hub in Paris, France, to the FedEx Asia-Pacific hub in Guangzhou, China. It passes through Kansai International Airport in Osaka, Japan, four days a week, and Singapore Changi Airport, one day a week. It provides customers in the Asia-Pacific region with 10 additional connections to and from Europe every week.

FedEx supports the growing exports of the region to the United States

Benefiting from the strong export demand of major trading partners, the United States, Chinese Mainland and major Asian economies also began to rebound. The new FedEx Trans-Pacific flight connects Taipei and Hong Kong to Anchorage and India-Annapolis, and returns to Taipei through Anchorage. It provides customers with transportation capacity between regions and North America five days a week, further accelerating the trade between Asian logistics hubs and the United States.

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