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颍州UPS国际快递网点 颍州UPS国际快递公司 颍州UPS国际快递服务中心

更新时间:2025-01-30 09:15:00
联系手机: 18055119447


颍州UPS国际快递公司 UPS美国专线包税到门 颍州UPS国际快递网点取件,UPS欧美重货促销,上门取件,全球邮寄!UPS(纽约所代码:UPS)将于今天美国东部时间上午 9:00 开始举办投资者和分析师会议。虚拟活动将在全部可通过在网络直播和重播。

公司将强调其客户至上、以人为本、**驱动战略的**事项;讨论目标增长领域,包括中小企业、医疗保健和国际;提供2023年财务目标;并讨论新**的 ESG 目标。

客户至上:公司的客户至上战略致力于提供由其全球智能物流网络支持的数字体验。该公司将展示其正在采取的行动,使与 UPS 的业务往来变得更简单、更有帮助。客户至上专注于消除与 UPS 开展业务时的摩擦,以净**值 (NPS) 的收益衡量。该公司的目标是 2023 年 NPS 得分为 50 或更高。

以人为本:公司将讨论正在采取哪些措施来改善员工体验并增加员工** UPS 作为理想工作场所的可能性。该公司已将 2023 年的“**可能性”目标设定为 80% 或更高。


“我们正在创建一个新的 UPS,植根于公司的*观。我们的战略**正在不断发展,以反映客户和业务不断变化的需求,以及对利益相关者较重要的事情,”UPS 执行官 Carol Tomé 表示。

Yingzhou UPS International Express Company UPS US Special Line Tax Package to Yingzhou UPS International Express Outlet Pick Up, UPS Europe and America Heavy Goods Promotion, Home Pick Up, Global Mail! UPS (NYSE: UPS) will hold an investor and analyst conference starting at 9:00 a.m. EST today. Virtual events will be available in all via live streaming and replay on the network.

The company will emphasize its customer first, people-oriented, and * * driven strategy; Discuss targeted growth areas, including small and medium-sized enterprises, healthcare, and international; Provide financial targets for 2023; And discuss ESG goals for the new * *.

Customer First: The company's customer first strategy is committed to providing a digital experience supported by its global intelligent logistics network. The company will showcase the actions it is taking to make business dealings with UPS simpler and more helpful. Customer First focuses on eliminating friction when conducting business with UPS, measured by net value (NPS) revenue. The company's goal is to have a NPS score of 50 or higher by 2023.

People oriented: The company will discuss what measures are being taken to improve the employee experience and increase the possibility of employees * * UPS as an ideal workplace. The company has set a "* * probability" target of 80% or higher in 2023.

**Driver: By emphasizing technology and productivity initiatives, the company will address its approach to creating shareholders by continuously providing higher returns on investment capital and rewarding shareholders through dividends and buybacks.

"We are creating a new UPS that is rooted in the company's * philosophy. Our strategy * * is constantly evolving to reflect the changing needs of customers and businesses, as well as things that are more important to stakeholders," said Carol Tom é, UPS executive.



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