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怀宁UPS国际快递 怀宁UPS国际快递服务中心 怀宁UPS国际快递电话

更新时间:2025-01-25 09:15:00
联系手机: 18055119447

UPS (NYSE:UPS) today announced an unprecedented increase in efforts in coordination with the President’s Coronavirus Taskforce, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and State health agencies. UPS Healthcare and UPS operations all over the world are working with many companies and agencies across the public and private sectors.“UPS’s dedicated people, global network and public-private partnerships are creating a powerful combination for rapid deployment of protective equipment and test kits throughout the U.S and around the world,” said UPS Chairman and CEO, David Abney. “UPS Healthcare has the expertise and experience to move vital, life-saving medicines, medical devices, diagnostic specimens and supplies everywhere they are needed.”

  UPS today announced a stepped up collaboration with FEMA to provide supply chain services for the agency’s distribution of PPE and necessary materials throughout the U.S including respirators, N95 masks, and gloves for use by healthcare workers across the country. As part of the collaboration, FEMA will gain access to UPS’s expansive Worldport® facilities in Louisville for temporary staging of critical shipments from overseas.

  Additionally, UPS is working with an array of government agencies and companies to support swift transportation of test kits, PPE, supplies and medical devices, with particularly noteworthy examples including

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