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更新时间:2024-09-23 09:15:00

 A new study commissioned by FedEx (FDX) and conducted by Forrester Consulting has revealed preferences of online shoppers both globally and in France. In an effort to better understand global purchasing behavior in cross-border e-commerce, researchers questioned more than 9,000 respondents in 17 countries and territories, and conducted interviews with small-and-medium businesses with cross-border operations.

  With online buying behavior currently representing more than $1 trillion in global sales per year and forecasted to nearly double in the next four years according to Forrester Research data, the findings of the paper, “Seizing The Cross-Border Opportunity” are revealing. As in many countries, clothing and apparel are the most popular online purchase, along with books, in France. The study also found a significant part of e-commerce involves cross-border shipments.

  “This research provides deep insight into the priorities and preferences of global online customers and highlights how small and mid-sized retailers can better take advantage of the cross-border opportunity,” said Raj Subramaniam, executive vice president, Global Marketing, FedEx. “Knowledge about both the cultural similarities and differences in geographic markets can help businesses gain real online retail advantage.”


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