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更新时间:2025-01-29 09:15:00
联系手机: 18055119447

  UPS (NYSE:UPS) today announced that it is operating flights to deliver 1.7 million face masks made by SanMar, a leading textile producer. UPS is honored to be a part of SanMar’s extraordinary national Coronavirus response.

  SanMar converted its clothing production facilities in Honduras and Tennessee to support protective mask production and distribution. SanMar reached out to UPS and the company moved quickly to provide supply chain and global shipping services for each phase of the collaboration.

  “The national response by companies to the Coronavirus Pandemic is inspiring, said Kate Gutmann, UPS Chief Sales and Solutions Officer. “SanMar’s leadership is the perfect example of the speed and determination required to protect people on the front lines. We are honored to be part of their mission.”

  “We knew immediately that SanMar should be part of this effort as a result of our ability to make and sew textiles here in the U.S as well as in Central America,” said Renton Leversedge, Chief Customer Officer for SanMar. “We have manufacturing expertise and we have scale, which enables us to take part in this very important work.”

  Since the program began at the end of March, SanMar has manufactured more than 100,000 masks at its Tennessee production facility. When the masks are completed, UPS will ship the life-saving cargo to healthcare providers throughout the U.S.

  Production and distribution started in April of more than 1.7 million masks produced at SanMar’s Honduras location for shipment to their Jacksonville, FL distribution center. The masks will be shipped via UPS Air Freight on pallets and then repackaged to the correct quantities for distribution by UPS’s small package division to healthcare providers around the United States.

  UPS has a special appreciation for companies who are working to support the needs of front line workers during the pandemic.

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