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更新时间:2025-01-30 09:15:00
联系手机: 18055119447

  DHL Supply Chain 是德国邮政 DHL 集团的合同物流部门,在 2021 年 6 月的全球第三方物流魔力象限中被评为。 [1] Gartner 是的研究和咨询公司,每年根据其愿景的完整性和执行能力对全球第三方物流供应商进行。

  DHL Supply Chain 执行官 Oscar de Bok 强调了公司的优势:“我们的敏捷性和适应能力——尤其是在大流行期间——得到了客户的高度评价。通过与客户的近距离接触和深入对话,我们了解他们的真正需求和挑战,并可以为他们找到的供应链解决方案。我们特别自豪的是,即使在大流行期间,我们也能够对新出现的挑战做出快速反应,并为我们的客户开发供应链解决方案。建立新的履行运营和运输解决方案 - 有时实际上是在一夜之间 - 只有通过我们开发的数据分析、训练有素的团队和正确的体验文化才有可能。我们在供应链数字化方面取得的进展是我们在这里取得成功的主要因素。”

  DHL Supply Chain 全球开发官 Patrick Kelleher 表示:“我们很高兴在 Gartner 全球第三方物流魔力象限中被定位为。“在我们看来,就可持续发展而言,DHL 可以说是的全球 3PL 服务提供商,考虑到我们在可持续发展方面的努力,我们非常成功,这尤其值得。对我们来说,不仅要为我们的客户找到的供应链解决方案,而且还要使这些解决方案尽可能具有可持续性,这一点很重要。通过我们的 ESG 议程和我们集团范围内的 GoGreen 计划,我们帮助客户实现其可持续发展目标。”

  [1] Gartner,“全球第三方物流魔力象限”,Susan Boylan 等人,2021 年 6 月 28 日

  Gartner 不认可我们市场研究报告中描述的任何供应商、产品或服务,也不建议技术用户只选择那些评分或有其他区别的供应商。Gartner 报告了 Gartner 研究与咨询组织的声明,不应将其解释为事实调查结果。Gartner 对本研究报告不作任何明示或暗示的保证,包括但不限于对适销性或特定用途适用性的暗示保证。

  DHL Supply Chain, the contract logistics arm from Deutsche Post DHL Group, has been named a Leader in the June 2021 Magic Quadrant for Third-Party Logistics, Worldwide. [1] Gartner, the leading research and advisory company, annually evaluates third-party logistics providers worldwide based on their completeness of vision and ability to execute.

  Oscar de Bok, CEO of DHL Supply Chain, highlights the company's strengths: “Our agility and ability to adapt – especially visible during the corona pandemic – are highly valued by our customers. Through proximity and intensive dialog with our customers, we understand their true needs and challenges, and can find the best supply chain solutions for them. We are particularly proud that even during the pandemic, we were able to react quickly to emerging challenges and develop the best supply chains solutions for our customers. Setting up new fulfilments operations and transport solutions - sometimes literally overnight - was only possible through our developed data analytics, well trained teams, and a right first time culture. Our progress in digitalizing supply chains has been a major contributor to our successes here.”

  “We are very pleased to be positioned as a Leader in this Gartner Magic Quadrant for Third-Party Logistics, worldwide,” says Patrick Kelleher, Global Chief Development Officer at DHL Supply Chain. “In our opinion, DHL is arguably the world’s leading global 3PL service provider when it comes to sustainability and it’s particularly rewarding in light of our sustainability efforts, which we are implementing so successfully. It is important to us to find not only the best supply chain solutions for our customers, but also making these solutions as sustainable as possible. With our ESG agenda and our group-wide GoGreen programs, we help our customers to deliver against their sustainability goals.”


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