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更新时间:2025-01-31 09:15:00
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 德国邮政 DHL 集团在 220 多个国家和地区拥有约 520,000 名员工,是世界上的雇主之一。为表彰其促进女性在管理中所占份额的举措,该公司现已荣获 2019 年催化剂奖。催化剂是一家总部位于美国的非营利组织,旨在促进旨在提高女性地位的项目等. 每年,Catalyst 都会表彰促进多元化和包容性的公司和举措,并创造一种促进女性参与管理的工作场所文化。自 1987 年以来,Catalyst 已在全球范围内认可了 89 家组织和公司。德国邮政敦豪集团是家获得催化剂奖的德国公司,以表彰其在促进女性参与管理方面的全球活动。

  Catalyst 根据广泛的标准和提名的计划和举措:战略和基本原理、gaoji领导活动、问责制和透明度、沟通、员工敬业度、创新和可衡量的结果。与管理委员会以及不同地点的经理和员工进行了深入访谈,以准确了解 DPDHL 在其“管理中的女性”倡议下的活动。调查结果显示:员工将 DPDHL 集团描述为一家国际化、包容性、灵活且注重结果的雇主。


  “女性参与管理”计划于 2011 年启动,Zui初涉及对女性职业发展及其获得管理职位的主要障碍的全集团研究。根据全球管理调查的结果和焦点小组访谈的结果,确定了四个行动领域:文化和心态、灵活的工作安排、女性的职业支持和监督。然后将这些用于制定综合计划,其中包括专门的区域活动,以促进整个集团的多样性和包容性:


  区域性的、特别定制的多元化和包容性活动,以及一年一度的多元化周。还举行了全球妇女会议,公司提供了内部沟通渠道,使企业内联网和 Yammer 等平台能够用于就多样性进行对话,并分享和推广实践。



  自 2011 年以来,德国邮政 DHL 集团显着增加了女性管理人员的数量,如今,五分之一的管理职位由女性员工担任(截至 2017 年 12 月 31 日)。

  对于德国邮政 DHL 集团而言,多样性远远超出了性别、国籍、民族、宗教、年龄、性取向、残疾和其他受法律保护的特征。在集团的企业多元化和包容性声明(“所有不同,共同成功”)中,我们明确表示多元化包含使我们成为独特个体的所有差异。

  2018 年,DPDHL 集团获得了 Total E-Quality Award 和 European Diversity Award。该公司还在两个资本市场指数中上市,这些指数专门关注涉及多元化和包容性、员工发展和员工服务的活动:汤森路透 IX 全球多元化和包容性指数和彭博性别平等指数 (BBGEI)。

  With around 520,000 employees in more than 220 countries and territories, Deutsche Post DHL Group is one of the largest employers in the world. In recognition of its initiative to promote the share of women in management, the company has now been honored with the Catalyst Award 2019. Catalyst is a US-based non-profit organization that aims, among other things, to promote projects designed to advance women. Each year, Catalyst recognizes companies and initiatives that foster diversity and inclusion, and create a workplace culture that promotes women in management. Since 1987, Catalyst has recognized a total of 89 organizations and companies worldwide. Deutsche Post DHL Group is the first Germany company to receive the Catalyst Award in recognition of its global activities in promoting women in management.

  Catalyst assesses and evaluates nominated programs and initiatives based on a wide range of criteria: Strategy and rationale, senior leadership activities, accountability and transparency, communication, employee engagement, innovation and measurable results. In-depth interviews were held with the Board of Management as well as with managers and employees at various locations to gain an accurate insight into the DPDHL activities under its “Women in Management” initiative. With the findings: employees describe DPDHL Group as an international, inclusive, flexible and results-oriented employer.

  “Deutsche Post DHL Group is a global company that brings together people from a wide range of cultural backgrounds, all with different skills and experience,” says Frank Appel, CEO of Deutsche Post DHL Group. “Diversity is part of our day-to-day working life and promoting women in management is a critical factor in our business success. We are proud to receive the Catalyst Award as it shows we are on the right track.”

  Launched in 2011, the “Women in Management” initiative initially involved a Group-wide study of the main barriers to women’s career development and their access to management positions. Based on the findings of a global management survey and the outcome of focus group interviews, four action areas were identified: Culture and mindset, flexible work arrangements, women’s career support, and monitoring. These were then used to develop comprehensive programs, among them dedicated regional activities, to promote diversity and inclusion across the Group:

  Training under the “Certified” program aimed at establishing a common corporate culture and a set of shared values which apply throughout the Group.


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