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更新时间:2025-01-30 09:15:00
联系手机: 18055119447

  dhl 订购的架新型 777 货机已开始提供收益服务。5 月 25 日星期六,这架飞机从其运营基地辛辛那提/北肯塔基国际机场 (cvg) 起飞。这架注册号为 n-705gt 的全新 777 身穿 dhl 的黄色和红色,在其商业首航中启程前往巴林。

  用*省油和的货机类型替换旧的洲际机队,使 dhl 能够满足全球对快递服务日益增长的需求。新的 777 将加强 dhl 的洲际服务,并连接辛辛那提、莱比锡、香港等地的主要 dhl 枢纽。这架飞机由 dhl 合作伙伴南方航空运营,即将开始定期运营。

  “我们架 777 货机的交付标志着我们大修洲际机队使命的一个重要里程碑。这架高效、远程和大容量的货机将使我们能够通过直飞航班服务更多市场,并为dhl express 执行官 john pearson 表示,“到 2050 年实现零排放”符合我们的可持续发展战略。

  b777 f 的有效载荷能力为 112 吨,航程为 9,200 公里,是所有双发货运飞机中容量和航程的。它们也比旧型号更省油和更可靠,与被更换的飞机相比,二氧化碳排放量减少了 18%。随着新机型的到来,旧的 b747-400s 飞机将逐渐被替换。另外三架 b777 f 计划于今年抵达。

  dhl express 运营着 260 多架专用飞机,与 17 家合作航空公司合作,每天在 220 个国家和地区提供 600 多趟航班。

  the first of the new boeing 777 freighters ordered by dhl has commenced revenue service. on saturday, may 25, the airplane took off from cincinnati/northern kentucky international airport (cvg), its home operating base. clad in dhl’s yellow and red, the brand new 777 with the registration number n-705gt departed to bahrain on its commercial maiden flight.

  the replacement of the older intercontinental fleet with the most fuel-efficient and reliable freighter type allows dhl to meet the increasing global demand for express services. the new boeing 777 will strengthen dhl’s intercontinental services and connect major dhl hubs in cincinnati, leipzig, honkong and others. operated by dhl partner southern air, the plane will soon start scheduled operations.

  "the delivery of our first boeing 777 freighter marks an important milestone in our mission to overhaul our intercontinental fleet. this efficient, long-range and high-capacity freighter will enable us to serve even more markets with non-stop flights and significantly contributes to greater sustainability in line with our sustainability strategy ‘zero emission by 2050’ “, says john pearson, ceo of dhl express.

  with a payload capability of 112 tons and a range of 9,200 km, the b777 f has the largest capacity and range of all twin-engine freight airplanes. they are also more fuel efficient and reliable than older models, reducing co2 emissions by 18 per cent versus the aircraft being replaced. the older b747-400s aircraft will be gradually replaced as the new models arrive. another three b777 f are scheduled to arrive this year.

  dhl express operates over 260 dedicated aircrafts with 17 partner airlines on over 600 daily flights across 220 countries and territories.


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