全国服务热线 18055119447

阜阳市DHL国际快递 阜阳市DHL国际快递服务中心 取件流程

更新时间:2025-01-29 09:15:00
联系手机: 18055119447

 dhl express 是全球的国际快递运输服务提供商,已投资 285 万美元在匹兹堡新建一个更大的服务中心设施。这个新地点从卡农斯堡搬迁,将进一步适应预期的国际贸易增长,这是当地制造业、技术、医疗保健、电子商务和教育行业蓬勃发展的结果。

  新服务中心位于 563 napor blvd.,距匹兹堡市中心 30 英里。对于本地客户来说,这意味着更早的交货时间,以及更方便的取件和投递包裹。此外,该设施拥有 30,000 平方英尺的仓库和办公空间。预计比之前的位置增加 10,000 平方英尺将有助于提高生产力和效率。

  dhl express 美国中西部地区副总裁兼总经理 nemer abohasen 表示:“作为国际航运领域的全球,我们的使命是在我们的客户进行国际扩张时在各个层面为他们提供支持,这一新设施使我们能够限度地利用能力并提供高效、的服务,使客户能够在全球市场上进行竞争。”


  新的服务中心由 60 名国际认证专家组成,将运营 35 辆货车和卡车,用于取货和送货。它将容纳更多这样的车辆,供快递员从内部传送系统装载包裹,其中包括一个用于安全和分拣效率的升高的走道。它还具有三个额外的码头门和用于飞机集装箱 (uld) 处理的新设备,所有这些都将帮助 dhl 提供更快、更高效的服务。

  dhl express, the world’s leading provider of international express shipping services, has invested $2.85 million in a new, larger service center facility in pittsburgh. relocated from canonsburg, this new location will accommodate further anticipated international trade growth, which is the result of the flourishing local manufacturing, technology, healthcare, e-commerce and education industries.

  located at 563 napor blvd., the new service center is 30 miles closer to pittsburgh’s city center. for local customers, that will mean earlier delivery times, as well as more convenience when picking up and dropping off packages. plus, the facility boasts 30,000 total square feet of warehouse and office space. this increase of 10,000 square feet over the previous location is expected to help boost productivity and efficiency.

  “as the world’s leader in international shipping, it’s our mission to support our customers on every level as they expand internationally,” said nemer abohasen, vp and general manager of the midwest area for dhl express u.s. “this new facility enables us to maximize our capabilities and provide efficient, high-quality service so customers are best equipped to compete in the global marketplace.”

  the new facility will process shipments ranging from documents and small parcels to palletized freight. it will serve areas north to cranberry township, east to monroeville/new stanton, south to washington and west to the pennsylvania-ohio state line.

  staffed by 60 certified international specialists, the new service center will operate 35 vans and trucks for pickup and delivery. it will accommodate more such vehicles for couriers to load packages from an interior conveyor system, which includes a raised catwalk for safety and sorting efficiency. it also features three additional dock doors and new equipment for aircraft container (uld) handling, all of which will help dhl provide even faster, more efficient service.


  • 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县桃花镇香蒲路安徽永凯工贸有限责任公司研发中心1栋202(注册地址)
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