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DHL 介绍了 Resilience360 平台内置的功能如何在整个工具中编织 AI 功能,并为全球组织主动管理供应链风险铺平道路。使用分类引擎和协同过滤,Resilience360 能够将算法应用于构成该工具基础的事件监控模块。AI 将帮助每天分析数百万个风险情报数据源,并应用用户行为学习来确定未来中断的相关性,从而提高该工具的自学习能力。
Resilience360 创始人兼执行官 Tobias Larsson 解释说:“现代企业必须通过气候变化和贸易战造成的大量中断来应对日益复杂和不稳定的供应链。” “然而,得益于预测分析和机器学习算法等创新技术,我们能够以前所未有的方式识别和管理风险。通过不断增强具有附加功能的 Resilience360 平台,它在过去几年中迅速发展,现在在全球拥有超过 13,000 名用户。”
今天在德国 DHL 创新中心举行的会议上,来自全球各地的大约 180 位供应链、业务连续性、安全和风险管理领域的将合作开发供应链风险管理解决方案,并检查飓风、供应商倒闭、环境法规等新兴风险和贸易战。
会议以“气候、变化和我们的供应链”为主题,重点关注企业在和应对地球变暖可能带来的风险方面的作用,例如对员工、资源、资产和基础设施的影响。美国物流援助网络 (ALANaid) 是一家为救灾组织(和其他非营利组织)提供供应链援助的组织,其领导的高层管理人员和从业人员名单令人印象深刻,他们将介绍弹性的突破性技术和方法。气候秘书处 UNFCC 将展示他们对气候变化适应未来的研究,拜耳和宝马等其他公司将分享关于供应链透明度的重要性的见解,以提前计划并减轻其供应商网络中的危机。
全球供应链面临着广泛的风险,例如自然灾害、网络攻击和快速变化的监管环境。DHL 的 Resilience360 平台为企业提供了通过庞大的 DHL 情报网络以近乎实时的全球可见性快速预测、和降低供应链中断风险的工具。
DHL Freight, one of the leading providers of road freight services in Europe, has deployed one of the very first liquefied natural gas (LNG)-powered Iveco Stralis long-haul trucks capable of towing a mega trailer. During a year-long trial period the truck will operate as a daily shuttle between DHL’s logistics center and a BMW Group production plant in southern Germany. Thanks to a higher loading height and increased fuel efficiency, mega trailers in road transport are particularly important for the automotive industry, making BMW Group the ideal partner for testing in Germany. Since last year’s contract renewal with the BMW Group, DHL has been managing the automotive manufacturer’s supply chain in seven additional areas, as well as all road transport between 17 countries.
“The combination of LNG truck and mega trailer is a promising sustainable solution for automotive logistics. We are able to meet the customer's transport requirements in the best possible way, while also significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions along the supply chain. The increase in fuel efficiency and proven reduction of harmful emissions that comes with using natural gas help to make long-distance road transport more sustainable,” states Uwe Brinks, CEO DHL Freight.
DHL Freight has gained initial experience with LNG trucks in Belgium. Since summer 2018, four of these heavy-duty, long-haul trucks have been part of a sustainable transport solution for one of the world’s largest developers and sellers of athletic footwear and sportswear. Now, for the first time, a natural gas-powered truck can be combined with a mega trailer, a feat previously not possible due to tank design. An internal loading height of three meters makes this equipment a preferred solution in the automotive sector as it offers not only more loading capacity but also the possibility of loading larger s
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