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更新时间:2025-02-02 09:15:00
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 德国邮政 DHL 集团通过借调部署员工,以支持联合国儿童会作为 COVAX 设施的主要交付合作伙伴的角色。三名物流专家受命在位于哥本哈根的联合国儿童会供应部门以及迪拜的区域供应中心履行特定职能。他们将参与与分析物流数据、管理入境货物和人道主义物资分发以及支持疫苗空运货物的协调相关的各种任务。

  联合国儿童会正在代表 COVAX 设施带头提供 COVID-19 疫苗,该设施旨在加速疫苗的开发和制造,并保证每个国家都能gongpinggongzheng地获得疫苗。COVAX 是获取 COVID-19 工具 (ACT-A) 的疫苗支柱,由流行病防范创新联盟 (CEPI)、Gavi、疫苗联盟和世界卫生组织 (WHO) 共同领导,以及主要交付合作伙伴联合国儿童会。

  “能够利用我们在生命科学和医疗保健物流方面的知识支持联合国儿童会完成如此重要的任务,我们感到非常自豪。通过加快疫苗分发,我们正在帮助确保可以更快地应对这yiliu行病,并使儿童能够DHL 商务官 Katja Busch 说:“作为物流专家,我们的员工了解挑战并拥有克服这些挑战的正确知识。提供帮助是我们的责任。”

  COVID-19 大流行及其次要影响正在对世界各地儿童的健康和福祉造成前所未有的损失。它可能会逆转多年来在减少儿童贫困、剥夺儿童重要服务和使家庭陷入经济困难方面取得的进展。考虑到这一点,世界经济 (WEF)、联合国儿童会和Zui初的 18 家公司(包括德国邮政敦豪集团)于 2020 年 12 月签署了一份章程,以支持 COVAX 的准备工作和实施。该宪章促进了多方利益相关者的合作行动,以实现 COVID-19 疫苗在全球范围内的包容性、安全性和可持续的分配。

  “我认为这是一个难得的机会,可以参与一个既有意义又具有历史意义的项目,”物流数据分析师 Malene Klokkerholm Moller 说。“在联合国儿童会供应部,我通过数据分析支持供应链管理和物流运营。这包括确保 COVID-19 疫苗运输的良好跟踪和可见性、监控供应预测以及提供分析以简化运输计划。这些分析将优化物流规划流程并缩短 COVID-19 疫苗运输的交付时间。”

  Deutsche Post DHL Group deploys staff through secondments to support UNICEF's role as the lead delivery partner for the COVAX Facility. Three logistics experts have been tasked to perform particular functions at UNICEF's Supply Division based in Copenhagen, as well as at a regional Supply Hub in Dubai. They will be involved in a variety of tasks related to analyzing logistics data, management of inbound shipments and distribution of humanitarian supplies, and supporting the coordination of airfreight shipments of vaccines.

  UNICEF is leading efforts to supply COVID-19 vaccines on behalf of the COVAX Facility, which aims to accelerate the development and manufacture of vaccines and to guarantee fair and equitable access for every country. COVAX is the vaccine pillar of the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) and is co-led by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and the World Health Organization (WHO), alongside key delivery partner UNICEF.

  "We are very proud to be able to support UNICEF with our expertise in Life Science & Healthcare Logistics for such an important task. By contributing to speeding up vaccine distribution, we are helping ensure that the pandemic can be tackled more quickly and that children are supported, especially those who are already living in poverty and health emergencies," says Katja Busch, Chief Commercial Officer DHL. "As logistics experts, our staff know the challenges and have the right knowledge to overcome these. It is our responsibility to provide help."

  The COVID-19 pandemic and its secondary effects are taking an unprecedented toll on the health and well-being of children around the world. It could reverse years of progress in reducing child poverty, depriving children of vital services and placing families in financial hardship. With that in mind, in December 2020 the World Economic Forum (WEF), UNICEF and initially 18 companies - including Deutsche Post DHL Group - signed a charter to support the COVAX preparedness efforts and implementation. The charter fosters multi-stakeholder collaborative action to achieve globally inclusive, safe and sust


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