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更新时间:2025-02-01 09:15:00
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 DHL 隶属于的物流公司 Deutsche Post DHL Group,在其 2020 年 6 月的全球第三方物流魔力象限中,被的研究和咨询公司 Gartner, Inc. 评为。DHL 的两个部门,DHL 供应链和 DHL 全球货运,都在本研究中被考虑在内。

  DHL Supply Chain 执行官兼德国邮政 DHL 集团管理委员会成员 Oscar de Bok 表示:“我们从根本上相信将客户置于我们业务的核心。“当我们超越物流服务提供商并投资于真正了解我们的客户作为合作伙伴所面临的挑战时,我们会开发出Zui有效的解决方案。进行这种持续的对话并贴近我们的客户是关键——尤其是在带来的所有额外需求的时期。可靠性和灵活性至关重要。这是对不断变化的市场状况做出快速反应、平衡数量波动以及在必要时快速建立全新供应链的方法。”

  DHL Global Forwarding 执行官兼德国邮政 DHL 集团管理委员会成员 Tim Scharwath 补充说:“DHL Global Forwarding 在全球范围内提供的货运解决方案与正确的供应链管理、仓储、运输和DHL Supply Chain 提供的战略咨询。我特别高兴的是 DHL 在这份报告中得到了认可。”

  De Bok 补充道:“我们提供的各种电子商务产品是我们与业务合作伙伴一起做出的重要承诺。作为品牌的一个部门,我们每年都获得客户的评价。除此之外,Gartner, Inc. 再次将 DHL 评为全球第三方物流魔力象限的。”

  DHL 是这份报告中被 Gartner 根据愿景完整性和执行能力的 16 家国际公司之一。2020年,DHL的执行能力排名。

  DHL, part of the world’s leading logistics company Deutsche Post DHL Group, has been positioned as a Leader by Gartner, Inc the world’s leading research and advisory company, in its June 2020 Magic Quadrant for Third-Party Logistics, Worldwide. Both DHL divisions, DHL Supply Chain and DHL Global Forwarding, were considered within this research.

  “We fundamentally believe in putting our customers at the heart of our business” said Oscar de Bok, CEO of DHL Supply Chain and Member of the Board of Management of Deutsche Post DHL Group. “We develop the most effective solutions when we step beyond being a logistics service provider and invest in really understanding the challenges our customers are facing as their partner. To do this ongoing dialogue and proximity to our customers are key – especially in times of the Corona virus with all the additional demands that brings. Reliability and flexibility are crucial. That is the only way to quickly react to changing market conditions, balance volume fluctuations and, if necessary, set up entirely new supply chains fast.”

  Tim Scharwath, CEO of DHL Global Forwarding and Member of the Board of Management of Deutsche Post DHL Group added: “The forwarding solutions offered by DHL Global Forwarding around the globe have been just as crucial as the right supply chain management, warehousing, transport and strategic consulting provided by DHL Supply Chain. I am particularly pleased that DHL has been recognized in this report.”

  De Bok added: “Our various e-Commerce offerings are an area of significant commitment for us alongside our business partners. As a division of brands, we receive top marks from our customers year over year. In addition to this, Gartner, Inc. has again named DHL a Leader in the Magic Quadrant for Third-Party Logistics, Worldwide.”

  DHL is one of 16 international companies recognized in this report that Gartner, evaluated based on completeness of vision and ability to execute. In 2020, DHL is positioned highest for the ability to execute.


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