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更新时间:2025-01-23 09:15:00
联系手机: 18055119447

 在运营不到一年的时间里,这个 652,159 平方英尺的设施位于俄亥俄州洛克伯恩的战略位置,已达到该护肤品牌在美国网络销量的。为了配合不断增加的客户活动和参与度,DHL Supply Chain 使 Rodan + Fields 能够自动化订单履行和管理,并提高库存容量和可见性。因此,Rodan + Fields 可以清楚地了解库存和订单状态,从而提高产品可用性的准确性以及客户每一步的订单可见性。

  DHL Supply Chain 零售总裁 Jim Gehr 表示:“这种伙伴关系发展成为真正的企业对企业的战略整合,使我们能够加强 Rodan + Fields 整体供应链的复杂性。” “DHL Supply Chain 之前在此类会员经济方面的经验使我们能够为 Rodan + Fields 开发实践的顶峰,并为这个不断增长的垂直行业树立榜样。现在,它是关于共同努力持续改进、提高整体效率并为 Rodan + Fields 的客户维持的服务水平。”

  Lockbourne 履行中心是 DHL Supply Chain 在哥伦布地区的站点之一,拥有 400 多名员工。该设施拥有 6,400 平方英尺的冷库、7 条高速履行线和 8 条生产线,使 DHL Supply Chain 能够处理所有 Rodan + Fields 客户订单类型的存储、配套和履行服务,包括注册、自动发货和广告- 临时的。DHL Supply Chain 的仓库管理系统解决方案还有助于管理 Rodan+Fields 的大量入库收货、拣货、包装、运输和其他增值服务。

  “DHL Supply Chain 开发了一个创新的现代配送系统来有效处理我们所有的美国订单,”Rodan + Fields 的供应和服务官 Bryan Wayda 说。“由于 DHL Supply Chain 的知识和对持续改进的承诺,我们有一个解决方案,不仅可以满足我们当前的物流需求,而且可以支持我们的全球扩张。”

  DHL Supply Chain, the Americas’ leader in contract logistics and part of Deutsche Post DHL Group, and Rodan + Fields, the No. 1 skincare brand in the U.S and one of the fastest-growing disruptors in beauty, have partnered to handle inbound and outbound logistics for all U.S. customer orders. The partnership was spurred by Rodan + Fields’ explosive growth in recent years and need for a supply chain to sustain demand, increase efficiency and improve customer experience overall.

  Less than one year into operations, the 652,159-square-foot facility, strategically located in Lockbourne, Ohio, has reached 100 percent of U.S. network volume for the prestige skincare brand. To match increased customer activity and engagement, DHL Supply Chain enabled Rodan + Fields to automate order fulfillment and administration, and increase inventory capacity and visibility. As a result, Rodan + Fields can access a clear picture of inventory and order status, improving accuracy on product availability as well as order visibility for customers every step of the way.


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