我们在全世界 220 多个国家和地区拥有 380,000 名员工,我们能够比以往任何时候接触到更多的人们。而且,我们已经在思考到 2050 年世界可能会发展成什么样子,我们正在为未来的物流挑战做准备。
无论面临什么挑战,我们都能为您解决。数十年的经验、创新的技术、由 380,000 名充满的组成的团队,让我们能够为您的业务需求提供的物流解决方案。请在下方查看我们提供的一些定制运送解决方案。
您通过DHL发送的每一票快件都必须完整的填写运单 - 它能帮助您及时、准确并安全的完成快件递送。
DHL Express reserves the right to change the fuel surcharge rate index and table without prior notice. The rate and collection time of fuel surcharge shall be determined by DHL.
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Each express you send through DHL must complete the waybill - it can help you complete the express delivery timely, accurately and safely.
In order to fill in the waybill accurately, quickly and economically, we recommend that you send it online.
Why do I have to fill in the waybill?
The waybill can tell DHL where your express is to be sent, what service you need and how you plan to pay.
The waybill indicates the standard transportation terms that we follow to provide services. Please read carefully, especially the relevant clauses of exemption and limited liability.
The waybill is your ownership of the goods. You can check your express on DHL with your waybill number.
The waybill can inform the customs of the specific contents of the goods, and help the express to clear the customs quickly and arrive at the destination in time.
All bills of lading have a period of validity. They cannot be used beyond the period of validity. Shipping guidelines, standard embargoes and restrictions to be referred to when sending express to China.