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更新时间:2025-01-30 09:15:00
联系手机: 18055119447

DHL Global Forwarding 是德国邮政 DHL 集团的空运和海运专家,已通过全球国际航空运输协会 (IATA) 的 CEIV Pharma 标准重新认证。中央航空协会通过统一的流程和合规的网络证明了的服务和质量标准。

  “为生命科学和医疗保健行业的特定需求量身定制的弹性高效的运输网络从未像今天这样重要。因此,我们很高兴不仅获得了 IATA CEIV Pharma 在企业层面的重新认证,而且还获得了 IATA 对我们的培训计划“DHL 生命科学专家”的批准,”全球空运 DHL Global 负责人 Thomas Mack 表示转发。

  DHL Global Forwarding 网络与质量、温度管理解决方案全球主管 Nina Heinz 补充说:“多年来,生命科学和医疗保健行业的法规和要求数量一直在稳步增加,尤其是在产品运输和存储方面。尽管我们 DHL 长期以来一直是该行业理念和创新的,但我们认识到总有改进的空间。凭借我们更新的 IATA CEIV Pharma 认证,我们都清楚地表明我们继续强调不断提高我们的服务质量,并展示我们是运输重要和温度敏感产品的可靠合作伙伴。”

  DHL 一直积极参与 IATA 的持续努力,以充分满足制药行业的监管要求。空运中的标准化方法可提高生产力、准确性和可靠性,同时在所有要求的领域保持合规性。DHL 于 2016 年开始根据 IATA CEIV 制药认证对其全球站点进行认证,以提高制药物流的标准。作为生命科学与医疗保健行业的,DHL 为全球各个级别和职能的员工提供重要工具,以了解并满足客户和监管机构的期望。

  通过提供专门的培训计划,IATA 监管标准在全球主要 GxP(良好实践)设施中得到了大规模实施。CIF 认证生命科学专家 (CLSS) 计划提供全面的必修培训课程、功能课程和材料,以解锁该行业的知识。所有处理和参与生命科学与医疗保健运输的员工均已成功完成培训并获得生命科学专家认证。这确保敏感货物得到Zui谨慎的处理并符合的行业标准。

  在对现场员工进行独立审核和培训后,DHL 获得了位于世界各地(包括巴塞罗那、波哥大、东京和芝加哥)站点的质量标签。通过这种方式,DHL Global Forwarding 提高了其处理的货物的运输和存储质量水平,以超过通常的质量标准,从而确保产品的完整性,从而确保患者的安全。由于其独特的、经过验证的基于云的 IT 平台 LifeTrack,DHL 使温控运输更加透明。LifeTrack 不仅提供货件跟踪,而且还基于预先确定的接触点和 DHL 的 NFC SmartSensor 技术实现 24/7 主动监控和干预。

  在每个地点,IATA 都会检查并比较该站与欧盟、世界卫生组织和其他监管机构的温度控制条例 (TCR) 以及 GDP(良好分配规范)指南的对应关系。

  凭借其国际网络,DHL 在其 Air GxP 地点提供广泛的产品组合,涵盖对时间和温度敏感的空运货物的所有客户需求,并在整个供应链中提供无缝的温度可见性。通过其的服务,DHL 已成功成为生命科学和医疗保健行业物流解决方案的市场。特色服务还包括门到门快递解决方案“生命科学分级快递”、固定派送时间的快递服务“医疗快递”,以及专为临床研究等设计的物流解决方案“DHL临床试验物流”。试验药物、辅助设备和实验室试剂盒的运输

  DHL Global Forwarding, the air and ocean freight specialist of Deutsche Post DHL Group, has been recertified to the CEIV Pharma Standard of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) globally. The central association for aviation attests to the highest service and quality standards through uniform processes and a compliant network.

  “A resilient and highly efficient transport network, tailored to the specific needs of the Life Sciences and Health Care industry, has never been more crucial than today. Therefore, we are delighted to have received not only the re-certification for IATA CEIV Pharma on a corporate level, but also IATA’s approval for our training program ‘DHL Life Sciences Specialist’,” stated Thomas Mack, Head of Global Air Freight DHL Global Forwarding.

  Nina Heinz, Global Head of Network & Quality, Temperature Management Solutions at DHL Global Forwarding added: “For years, the number of regulations and requirements has been steadily increased in the life sciences and healthcare industry in general, especially regarding product transportation and storage. Although we at DHL have been a leader in ideas and innovation in the industry for a long time, we recognize that there is always room to improve. With our renewed IATA CEIV Pharma Certification, we are both clearly demonstrating our continued emphasis on constantly enhancing our service quality and showcasing that we are a reliable partner for transporting vital and temperature-sensitive products.”

  DHL has been actively involved with IATA’s continuous efforts to adequately answer to the regulatory demands of the pharmaceutical industry. A standardized approach in air freight increases productivity, accuracy, and reliability while remaining compliant in all required areas. DHL began certifying its global stations according to the IATA CEIV Pharma Certification in 2016 to raise the bar in pharmaceutical logistics. As the leader in the Life Sciences & Healthcare Industry, DHL provides its employees in all levels and functions around the world with vital tools to understand and meet customers' and regulatory expectations.

  By providing a specialized training program, IATA regulation standards were implemented at scale in key GxP (good practice) facilities worldwide. The CIF Certified Life Sciences Specialist (CLSS) program provides a comprehensive curriculum of mandatory trainings, functional courses, and material to unlock the knowledge of this specialized industry. All designated employees handling and involved in Life Sciences & Healthcare shipments have successfully completed the training and are certified Life Science Specialists. This ensures that sensitive shipments are handled with utmost care and in compliance with the highest industry standards.


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